Till We Have Faces
Here’s Andrew’s Anselm Society talk from 2018
Here he is at the Marion E. Wade Center
Andrew visited with the guys from Pints with Jack, Season Three:
At the beginning of the season here
Midway through the season right here
“After Hours” here
Since the pandemic began, Andrew has been reading Till We Have Faces on Facebook Live every Saturday at 1:00 PM Eastern. Here’s Chapter 1.
You can find the rest of the chapters (and lots of other teaching) on Facebook right here.

Andrew podcasting from the garden at The Kilns, C.S. Lewis's home in Oxford.
Talks on C. S. Lewis
On 2 March 2021, Andrew was thrilled to give a talk for the Oxford C. S. Lewis Society
In the Spring of 2020, Andrew was honored to keynote for the Anselm Society’s Imagination Redeemed conference, and spoke on The Silver Chair from the Chronicles of Narnia
Here’s the Q&A from that talk
Andrew gave a plenary address for the C. S. Lewis Foundation’s Oxbridge Conference in the summer of 2017–unforgettable!
How about Five Tips for Reading Mere Christianity? Gotcha!
Here’s a talk from a few years ago about the fascinating friendship between Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien.